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Position: Early Morning Guy
Years worked @ FF: 6 years!
Something we may not know about you: I raced motorcycles… and occasionally won! Also, I’m a certified MSF LTR instructor!
Favorite thing about the gym/working out: I really enjoy encouraging people and then watching them when they get results! I also enjoy watching the young guys try to lift! ?
Favorite healthy food: Fresh grilled fish and veggies
Favorite unhealthy food: Premium Turtle Cheesecake


Position: Manager/ “Day Crew” Leader
Years worked @ FF: 2 years
Something we may not know about you: I love sheet metal fabrication!
Favorite thing about the gym/working out: The wonderful and friendly members!
Favorite healthy food: SPINACH! Any kind, cooked or raw, any time: breakfast, lunch, dinner, …I LOVE SPINACH!
Favorite unhealthy food: Homemade sweet rolls


Position: Desk clerk/ Patrol
Years worked @ FF: 1 year
Something we may not know about you: I’m a geek wanna-be!
Favorite thing about the gym/working out: When it’s over!
Favorite healthy food: All of it!
Favorite unhealthy food: All of it! (I like food!)


Position: Creative Director ?
Years worked @ FF: 12 years…since 1998!!
Something we may not know about you: I’m a lifelong “artist” and love crafting/creating just about anything!
Favorite thing about the gym/working out: When people overcome their bad habits and turn their health into one of their top priorities! Watching lives change as people achieve something they never thought was possible…when they leave the doctor happy, see themselves in the mirror happy, live to be happy to live to be happy…! It is addictive and contagious!!! ?
Favorite healthy food: Salad, sushi, hummus, veggies, fruit…I like it ALL!
Favorite unhealthy food: I am a little bit obsessed with sweets of all kinds…


Position: Maintenance Executive
Years worked @ FF: 2 years
Something we may not know about you: I like to build stuff!
Favorite thing about the gym/working out: Helping people with weights, being the #1 spotter!
Favorite healthy food: Fruit
Favorite unhealthy food: Does it have to be just one? I have a list….?


Position: Groundskeeper/Flower-Bringer
Years worked @ FF: almost a year now!
Something we may not know about you: I am Monica’s cousin! And I love the show “24”…I own every season
Favorite thing about the gym/working out: Working with Monica and Ginny
Favorite healthy food: Salad
Favorite unhealthy food: Corndogs and pizza!



Classes taught @ FF: Aerobics and water aerobics
Qualifications: I’ve been teaching since 1985 and used to own a Fitness Center
Favorite thing about teaching: I get to be bossy to my ladies!
Something we may not know about you: I used to ride a motorbike!
Favorite healthy food: Spinach
Favorite unhealthy food: everything…hamburgers!


Classes taught @ FF: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Qualifications: Purple belt under Sergio “Marra” Correa, 3rd place World Championships, medaled in numerous NAGA events, 1st place in the Houston Open, 1st place in ATAMA Open, MMA record is 2-1
Favorite thing about teaching: Seeing the personal and technical growth in my students. Watching them set a goal and then achieve it whether the goal is in competition, technically in training, or personally.
Something we may not know about you: I’m married and have a baby girl named Arianna
Favorite healthy food: I love salads!
Favorite unhealthy food: Red Velvet cakes


Classes taught @ FF: Yoga
Favorite thing about teaching:
Something we may not know about you:
Favorite healthy food:
Favorite unhealthy food:


Classes taught @ FF: Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)
Favorite thing about teaching:
Something we may not know about you:
Favorite healthy food:
Favorite unhealthy food: